
Sage Thompson

“Being active and surrounded by nature is when I’m happiest.”

My name is Sage, and I created “TrailSage” as a place to combine my love for production with my passion for mountain biking and trail running.

Based outside of Philadelphia, most of my riding and running is focused on the trail systems in the Tri-State area. I’m rough on my gear and bikes, and the terrain I enjoy most is very technical, so anything I use must hold up to a pretty high standard. But that also makes an ideal testing ground for my reviews, and allows me to provide some unique insight to the kind of riding I like to do.

I have over 20 years of experience working in multimedia and production which I use to help me create awesome videos for my growing YouTube channel. If you like what you see please consider subscribing, or even better, join me on Patreon to get extra perks and bonus content.

I love being outdoors and surrounded by nature and when I’m not riding my bike or running, I enjoy hiking and camping. But in addition to those activities I also enjoy playing pool, basketball and soccer. Although, these days I’m finding less and less time to be able to do those things, lol.

Social Media

Ride and Laugh MTB Podcast

You can also follow me on the Ride & Laugh MTB Podcast where Dan and I discuss all things mountain biking, including tips and tricks, mindset, nutrition, fitness, and a whole lot more.

Check us out on YouTube

Or you can find us where ever you get your podcasts. You can listen to our latest episode here:

Mountain Biking

I started mountain biking late in my life and spent my early years on a singlespeed, I even rode fully rigid for a year, lol. While I don’t singlespeed too often these days, it has taught me a lot about how to pick good lines, keeping momentum and how to work through technical features.

These days my mountain biking has evolved and I enjoy pushing my limits on my full suspension bike. I love to climb and my specialty is probably cornering and slow speed tech but I also try to get to a downhill park a few times a year.

My favorite local place is Mt Penn in Reading PA. This place has helped me progress my skills and is filled with challenges I have yet to conquer.


Mountain Biking

Huge thank you to Johnnie U @MTB Q&A for having me on his livestream. We had a blast talking mountain bikes, the channel, and life in general. He is a great host and I’m honored to be apart of his community. Also big props to everyone who attended and submitted questions. Here are some highlights with b-roll from that evening.

If you are interested, check out the full interview here and subscribe to Johnnie for more content like this.

Trail Running

Trail running is my newest passion and much like mountain biking the terrain I love to run on is filled with technical features, rock scrambles and difficult climbs & descents.

My favorite places to run are along the Appalachian Trail from the Lehigh Gap area and up through the Delaware Water Gap. And while I am not a Ultra Runner I do enjoy putting down some big runs from time to time.

Check out my dedicated Running Channel


Trail Running

If you are interested in learning more about me check out this interview I did with Paul from the DevRunner channel. We covered a variety of topics around mountain biking and trail running, including motivation, accountability and fitness.

Huge “thank you” to Paul @thedevrunner for inviting me to be a part of his Subscriber Spotlight series.